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Thank you to our Sponsors


Bryn Smith


Euro Sweepstake Donations

Thanks to all those who took part in the Euro Sweepstake, Bryn and I are donating half each to our individual targets as part of the Trouble-Shoeters Team.



Good luck Jake!!


Mum And Dad Johnson

Wear comfy trainers sweetheart xx Very proud 😘


Mum & Dad

That’s a lot of steps! Well done to you both.


Eric Dennison


Oliver Morley

Well done Bro! Keep at it :)


Michael & Simran

Best of luck, Matt! All to a good cause 💙


Sharon Parker

Congratulations a wonderful achievement for a wonderful cause x


Elaine Dennison

Good luck!


Cathryn Petchey

Welldone team!



Team Satellites


Jackie Harris

Nia You can do this. Well done. ❤️



You will smash this hun! Al the best for your challenge. X



Go for it Matt


Philip Coe

Super proud of you all, sorry my donation slightly late


Nikki & Codj

Go smash it! Xx


Sam Fielden

We'll done Lorna..keep up the good work xxx


Alex Jeffrey


Mary Astbury

Well done Michael, you'll smash it xxx




Tigger And Tiger

Go Mama!!!!😻🐈




Kim, Gaz And Alex

Well done Michael! Nearly there! Xx


James Murray

Well done. Fab work. 💪🏻


Paul Mann

Best of luck Julie!


Bev Barclay

Go Jake Go i will buy you a new pair of trainers for your birthday if you complete 99000 steps ?!!



Go girls!


Mum And Si

Well done hun, proud of you xxxx


Tracey Anderson

I hope you are keeping well, good luck with the steps, enjoy this beautiful weather. Bump?! Big love x



Great challenge. Thank you .


William Burrell

Great efforts so far Jake, feeling rather lazy seeing your updates! Be heading towards 100k at this rate!


Fiona Logue

Lots of love and support from all the Logue’s xxx


Jack Radley


Joan And David


Lucy Morley-green

Keep going you're doing amazing!


Elaine Dennison

Good luck.






Paul Stewart


Jackie Stewart


Daniel Heath

A great cause! Good luck with the steps.


Chris Southall



Tracey Smith

Good luck with your challenge this year xx




Will Spence


Dorothy Spence


Olivia Henderson

Best of luck, Liv - I know you’ll smash it! ❤️


Janet Leeson

Great cause. Good luck Liv.


Vicki Taylor

Shannon you are AMAZING!! 💖💖💖 truly inspirational 💖💖


Dawn Geeson

Well done Chelsea, you've got this!


Dawn Geeson

Well done Louise, you can do it!



Good luck Great achievement xx



Well done you 👏👏❤️ xxx


Sharon Parker Sandra Sheila

£10 each from auntie Sandra and auntie Sheila xx


Simon & Kate Whitehouse

Well done Julie, great effort, great cause, Simon & Kate xx


The Gc

Good luck, I know you will smash this!!!




Claire Loughrey

Good luck team ❤️


Lesley Mceleny

Good luck


Gerard Mceleny

Good luck'll do it no problem..


Heidi Morley

Proud of you, keep going!


Neil & Deb Smith

Great cause, well done ..


Sue S.

Good luck, sweetie. Hope you don't need too many plasters! XX


Jess, Mat & Luna 🐾

🎼 Keep on *walking* 🎼 Woooooop!! Welldone 💚


Jessica Dennison

So proud of you baby! Love you lots xxx



Well done Dad !!


Alison Sadler

Go for it Bryn x


Lisa Beard

Good luck!


Damaein Houghton


Reuben Gosling


Nia English


Gary Cooper

You can get do this


Francis Parks



You da best! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘



Almost there! You’re doing a great thing for a wonderful cause! X


Holly Lyon

You got this girls!! So proud x


Laura Murray


Lorraine Cooper

Well done






Eoin & Meg

Well done keep walking


Michelle Mccree

Good Luck x



il check how much actually goes to the cause and not swallowed up by marketing, advertising, fat salaries, fatter pensions and vast bonuses


Ben Morton

Well done Gracie, love from Me and Rufus xx


Jacob & Sam


Jacqueline Shepherd

Well done. From J&S


Coline Plaszczykowska

Well done Nia - keep up the great work!


Aaron Ireland

Great Cause!!! Good luck!!


Daniel Fazzone


Helen Taylor

Such a good cause. Enjoy every moment. x


Sarah Oliver


Karen Szczerbiuk

Good luck, Bryn!


Rachel Clarke

Go girls!! X


Harriet Simpson

Good Luck Grace, What a lovely cause ❤️❤️


Marie Bingham

Well done Dan keep walking x


Heather Scoffield

Good Luck Paul. 99k? It will be a breeze for you. Hx


Sally Bircumshaw

Well done Louise, great charity. Keep those legs moving, you can do it xx


Jobe Shaw


Therese Garratt

Good luck Bryn - you can do it!


Maggi And Michael


Beth Whyld

You’ve got this❤️


Stephen Cutty


William Burrell


Duncan Hall

Well done to Mike and the Nexus team!


Zoe Mawson


Ben Parker


Katy Shepherd

You are a star that shines so bright! Good on you & I support you all the way 😘


Donna Jacklin

Good luck Julie


Sarah Johnson

Good luck my lovely I’m sure you will smash it :-) xx


Tom Hawes

Good luck Grace!



Well done Kel. Nice comfy trainers and may e plasters!



Rooting for you mate ❤️



Good Luck Mum you will smash it x


Amanda Bailie

Good luck + bumpxx


Lianne Murray

Very worthy charity! Well done to you all, especially in this hot weather!


Stefania De Luca

You've got this girl! So proud of you 💗 love you always x


Hannah Dooley

you got this DJS! xx


Andrew Shepherd

Well done Laura & team!


Thomas Dooley

Good luck! GR team name though! 🚶🚶‍♀️



Good luck!


Rachel Shaw

Good luck everyone!


Ben Adams


Kelly Boswell


Lisa Baker

Well done Julie - I know you’ll smash it Xx


Jo X

Fantastic cause x


Paul Dooley

Good luck. Great charity


Susan Springett


Linda Shepherd

Well done Laura and baby Murray, you are stars💕xxx


Sharon Dove


Simon Hennessy

All the best ❤️


Lucy, Stu And Lily X

Good luck Auntie Laura 🎉


Charlotte Gibson

Super proud of you Hannah! 🩷


David Walls


Natalie Heath

Good Luck lovely x


Sue Hazell

Good Luck Paul


Andrew Norris

Well done mate, hope you reach your target!


Sam And Stewart


Kirsty Sommerville

Great effort for a great cause! Well done Dan


Tyler Jackson


Emma Fairhurst

Go Kelly!! You can do it ♥️


Hayley X

Well done Kel!


Cara Morley

Well done Jake x


Bev Barclay

Well done poppy in assisting Jake with his steps xxx


Kate Springett


Shona Mceleny



Good Luck Chelsea, you will smash it!!


Paul And Lynne 🥰

We’ll done Julie 🥰


Daniel Beard

Good luck with your steps babe. Me and Elodie are proud of you, and it’s such an amazing charity, everyone will be behind you all the way - Love you ❤️


Kathryn Ronan

Well done Bailie!! Proud of you xx


Vanessa Caudwell

Love you mum always! Go smash it!!! Vanessa xxxx


James Waterworth

Good luck Matt



Bet pops is loving all the walkies


Gemma Cartledge

Go smash it Bryn & good luck x


Matt & Charlotte

Smashing it👌


Shirley Hill

Good Luck Julie!


Lindsey Vardy

Well done Louise, I’m sure you’ll smash it! 💚


Craig Ilott


Adam Dickerson


Karla And Matt


Will Keen

Go on gracey


George Wilmot


Lizzie Godbehere

Keep on stepping in the sunshine!



Good Luck Jake!


Poppy Dennison

Well done Daddy! You are amazing xxx


Vic Murray


Michael Ashburner


Greg Cooper

Good luck. Xx




Gemma Sims

Great work Lorna, well done.xx


Alice Rhodes

You’ll smash this 💪💖


Derek Anthony Hollywood

Good Luck, it's a great charity



Go Liv and Grace!!


Andrew Jamed

Keep up the steps


Jack Williams


Liz Serviz


Dan Osborne


Laura 'wera' Parker

Smashing it Susan! Great work xx


Rebecca Patten



To sum up, keep on walking.





Good luck! :)


Hannah Clements

Well done! Keep going :) you will smash it!


C Bailie

No jogging Mrs🤰




Iona English

Good luck!


Gareth Price






Lyndsey Brownley

Good luck Julie! You will smash it :)


Jane Foley

Good luck and keep going x


Iain Barnett

Good luck!


Iain Barnett

Good luck Jake!


Iain Barnett

Good luck


Iain Barnett

Good luck


Iain Barnett

Good luck


Joan Cowdell


Harvey Geeson

You've a heart of gold x


Sophia Clements

Good Luck!






Rebeca & Harrison

Good luck 🥾🥾


Becka Burton


Ellie Sansom



Good Luck Bryn!


Chelsea Page

Good luck Lorna, smash it 🫶🏻


Chelsie Reed

Well done Julie, you’ve smashed it! Xx


Tara Bingham

Well done!! You’ve smashed it 💪💙


Tara Bingham

Smashed it in that heat! Proud of you mate! 💖


Emily Jones

Well done Lorna! You’re a star! Xx Emily


Lance Edkins



Proud of you! Let me know if you fancy a walking pal




Ellie Smith



The Burgin’s

Good Luck Lorna x


Jemma Hancock

Good Luck Lorna ! You will smash it :) xxx


Jemma Hancock

Well Done Bryn! You're smashing it :)



Good luck Chelsea! :)



Well done Shannon and everyone involved!


Ellie Smith

Well done!!! ✨



Good luck lovely! Xx


Pauline Beard


Auntie Sonia


Amanda Hodkin

You’ll smash it babe x


Ash Stevens

good luck


Mayu Clifford

Good Luck !


Sarah Wilson

Good luck Lee x



Good Luck Chelsea! :)




Emily Buttery

Great effort getting the steps in on your hol! 👏🏻☀️ well done xx


Maddy Sharpe


Rich F

Go smash it Bryn! :)


Jake Roberts

Good Luck :)




Marc Wilson

Keep it up matey 👍🏻


Jill Fisher


Michelle Boennic


Chloe Allen




Caroline Kettle

Nearly there Julie, well done x


Emma Smith

Walk Forest, walk!


Bethany Johnson

Get those steps in girl 🥳 what a lovely cause xx


Sophia Clements

Smashing it!